Kevin Horek
October 13, 2019
Find out how industry giants such as Lloyds Bank, Rolls Royce, Accenture, Oppenheimer and PwC apply Emotional Intelligence to their businesses, and what Stephen's transformational EI can do for you!
Let us transform your business results through the creation of healthy, happy & powerful teams!
Our mission at ThirdLEVEL is to positively transform peoples’ business success and enjoyment by helping them passionately create well together in collaboratively dynamic ways. We help our clients’ teams build trust with each other and establish deep and lasting connection with their clients in their direct relationships - person to person, team to team. People do business with people they know, like and trust…
All ThirdLEVEL programs are designed, developed and delivered specifically for each client. While we draw from the same core curriculum and thought-leadership bases, we assess, analyze and adapt our programs to fit the situational needs and desires that our clients determine.
With more than 25 years of experience in applying emotional intelligence concepts to organizational development and executive coaching, ThirdLEVEL offers:
• Individual and Team Coaching
• Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Development
• New Team Integration and Existing Team Development
• Relationship Facilitation
• State of the art engagement studies and improvement programs
• Cultural Audits
• Sales Effectiveness Training
• Motivational Speaking/Presentations